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30.05.2024 13:35:03 sonjasonja hat ein Thema kommentiert zahnarzt:  Hatte ich mal, ich bin froh das es besser geworden ist.
30.05.2024 13:33:26 sonjasonja hat ein Thema kommentiert Was hilft bei Nackenverspannung?:  Also da gibt es einiges.Ich trainiere jetzt regelmässig und habe mich auch gerade hier informiert Das Trainig horcht sich sehr tollan.
30.05.2024 13:30:05 sonjasonja hat ein Thema kommentiert Euer liebstes Schmuckstück - Gold oder Silber? :):  Ich bin ja eher für Silver.Finde ich einfach schöner.
30.05.2024 13:29:33 sonjasonja hat ein Thema kommentiert gute Onlineshops???:  Ja da gibt es schon einige
05.11.2020 15:07:52 derpington hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: Spirale schon ausprobiert?!
05.11.2020 15:06:30 derpington hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: Gewissheit bekommst du nur beim Arzt.
26.02.2015 17:17:09 malou hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: tut mir leid :/ such im internet nach einer selbsthilfegruppe vielleicht gibt es eine in deiner nähe oder ein internetforum. ansonsten kannst du deinen arzt danach fragen vielleicht hat er eine lösung für dich.
26.02.2015 17:12:26 malou hat einen Ratschlag gegeben Ratgeber: nicht jeder bekommt sie oder alle 4... ich hatte drei wurden jedoch alle entfernt. du kannst deinen zahnarzt oder kieferorthopäden fragen und ggf eine zweitmeinung einholen. wenn sie weh tun würde ich sie schon entfernen lassen viel glück
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12.05.2014  |  Kommentare: 0

Ex-«Tatu» presents a new film at Cannes Film Festival

Ex-«Tatu» presents a new film at Cannes Film Festival
Short film "Together apart" with Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina (former members of «Tatu») will be presented at The Cannes Film Festival

Under the unifying slogan "Cornetto presents" several short films about love for young people are released every year. Each short film of the international almanac "Cupidity" tells us a story about two young lovers and cupids, who help them to get together.

Russian celebrities Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina (former members of «Tatu») starred as cupids in a brand new short film "Together apart".
Four touching stories of "Cupidity" from Cornetto have conquered the audience worldwide. The project was successfully launched in Turkey, the UK, China, Spain, Mexico, Brazil, Portugal, Greece, Indonesia, Australia, and now in Russia.

The film "Together apart", telling the story about relations between a boy and a girl in the distance, is a real surprise for the Russian audience. Films from “Cupidity» will be presented at Cannes Film Festival in the Russian pavilion at Village International on May 21th, 2014 at 3 p.m. Organizers of the presentation have prepared one more surprise. Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina, former members of «Tatu», together with the legendary Russian rapper Legalize and famous beat-boxer Mike Tompkins recorded a new single " Love in every moment ", which became the soundtrack for the film. The idea to create a new joint single was originated long ago.
"At that time it was very difficult to say whether there will be a compound for at least one song or not. There were only tears of nostalgia, attraction to each other and at the same time, the rejection of each other as absolutely different persons. Lena and Yulia became complete opposites. It became clear that reunion of the duo can’t be considered. But the Olympics 2014 had become the starting point to new joint work. A few days before performing at the stadium in Sochi, the girls finally had agreed to record a joint song for the movie "Together apart". It was a historic moment, - the first song in many years. We concurrently started filming the whole process, back-stage. All that was happening around the recording of the new song, making the music video, as well as shooting the film "Together apart", was put together as original short film "Together apart. About", - director Elena Kiper says, - "Having such a pregnant dramatic material in my hands, I'm thinking of creating a full-length biopic. We are already working with Hollywood consultants, as well as we negotiate with foreign companies about co-production".
Julia is coming for the presentation to Cannes from Moscow, and Lena - from Los Angeles. Girls will answer questions from the press before and after the screening of the films. They haven't cast lots which of them will get the right to open the event and who will collect the laurels after. After all, nothing has changed between them. The moratorium on their meeting is still on. According to the requirements of one of the participants of their hotels should be located in different parts of the city, and there should be no intersections in public places and on the set, from the place of landing to the place of departure.

Although short films can not compete with others they have often much more to say in that few given minutes. This short film, which will be avable during Cannes Film Festival is one of those you shouldn*t skip. So LINE UP!

Text: PR & Sandra Bakula



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